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Workflow, Business Process Management



We call workflow the modelization and the technical management of all tasks to accomplish and the different actors involved in implementing a business process.

A business process represents the interaction as exchange information between various actors such as:

  •  humans,
  •  application or service,
  •  third process.

In practice, a workflow may describe:

  •  validation circuit ,
  •  deadlines,
  •  validation modules.

It also provides, to each actor, the necessary information for carrying out his task. For online publishing process for example, it is the modeling of all tasks of the publishing chain, from the proposal of redactor to the validation by editor.

The above example is a very schematic representation of what could be a workflow document publishing on an intranet with an interface of publication:

  •  the redactor proposes an article to section editor,
  •  the section editor look the document and validate it,
  •  the editor found that the document has elements incompatible with the news and return it to the redactor,
  •  the editor sees his copy and submit to the section editor,
  •  the section editor corrects some typos and send the article to the redactor,
  •  the editor validate the document for online publication.

Workflow Types

There are generally two types of workflow:

  1.  The procedural workflow (also called production workflow or directional workflow) corresponding to business processes of company and subject to pre-established procedures: the routing of workflow is more or less fixed.
  2.  The ad hoc workflow based on a collaborative model in which the actors involved in the decision: the routing of workflow is dynamic.

Workflow engine

The workflow engine is the tool to model and automate business processes of the company. This type of tool allows to formalize the business rules of the company to automate the decision making, this means the branch of the workflow to choose, depending on the context.



Partnership with SecureIT, Switzerland .

APIM Tavel is currently deployed in Sun House, Libya.

APIM Tavel is currently deployed in Nas Air, Saoudi Arabia .

Article appeared in the magazine market about CSRbusiness.

ETS is currently deployed in Travel Paza EUROPE (AMESTERDAM- HOLLAND), Member of JTB (Japan Travel Business).


Live Events

CSRbusiness will be present to fairs:

Fair IT 

Date: 03 & 04 & 05 November 2010 CasaBlanca

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To arrange an appointment with our representative on site, thank you to send email to Ms. Anna Paula

Anna Paula
Sales & Marketing Assistant
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About APIM6.4

The architecture of APIM replaces the current application integration approach - costly proprietary adapters for each application to application connection - with an open, standards-based procedure whereby any compliant application can simply "subscribe" to the services of another. APIM is a solution for the organization who think that EAI is a rigid an out of price solution. If you are among this group of people, you will welcome a low investment access alternative.


APIM BPM/Workflow

APIM BPM/Worklflow solution is an integrated solution covering all the aspects of your business process management: modelisation, implementation, interaction, simulation and monitoring. It enables business users and IT experts to work together in optimizing all company’s processes.


About CSRbusiness llc

CSRbusiness is a company active in the field of information technology, editor of sectoral solutions of type decision-making, modern and progressive. With its 10 years of experience in decision-making, CSRbusiness is able to offer a wide range of fast, easy, consistent and accurate solutions. This is the merge of business and technology. At CSRbusiness, the relationship between providers and business is fundamental. The search for an adequacy Company/Partner is important, because the integrator must be attentive to the needs and assist the company in its evolution. Establishing a relationship of trust between the provider and the company is essential.


CSRbusiness llc | PoBox 5780 | 1002 Lausanne | Switzerland,
Tel: +41(0)21-558-6229 | Fax: +41(0)21-558-3429 | email:
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