
customers and partners access

«APIM bpmi
smoothens the move to the enterprise wide federated SOA model

«APIM bpmi
enable you to quickly integrate systems, partners, data, devices and SaaS applications.

CSRbusiness llc, Lausanne, the 24th of Feb. 2010

CSRbusiness is announcing the official release of its brand new eBusiness solution !

This solution offers to the final customer an unique eBusiness platform integrated with the e-Commerce, the ERP (Accounting, Stock management, Invoicing,...) and the employee portal to dispatch manufacturing, packaging and shipping processes - all fully integrated and interconnected with clients and suppliers using APIM.

This is a unique solution that helps you to lower your the administrative or manual tasks and get benefit of a fully integrated and automated system, thus reducing the risks of mistake during the order processing and streamlining the work processed - making the tasks controlled and monitored all along the process. This allows your clients to get a transparent and realtime information about the current order status.

Step in the solution now and start reducing costs and increasing sales - contact our sales department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get more information.

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